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Swagelok Southern California

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Create Your Custom Assemblies

Swagelok delivers unique solutions to address your unique applications

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Fluid System Evaluation and Advisory Services

Our our technical experts perform onsite evaluations of your fluid systems to improve performance, productivity, reliability, and safety.


Does your rotating equipment experience seal failures?

Swagelok® Mechanical Seal Support Systems can help... Reduce Costs. Save Time. Improve Safety.

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Configurable. Local. Reliable.

Swagelok Southern California is bringing configurable, local and reliable solutions to Grab Sampling.

Grab Sample Systems


Swagelok certified instructors keep your team members up-to-date on their skills to help maintain plant operations.

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Swagelok Services

Swagelok Custom Solutions

Design and Assembly Services

Short on manpower or time, or just need a design solution? Our talented field engineers and integrators deliver simple or complex assemblies. We can handle that pressure for you. 

Swagelok University

Onsite Services

Keep your plant running safely and efficiently. Swagelok's Field Engineering team can evaluate and make recommendations to ensure optimum performance of your fluid systems.

Tool and Equipment Rental

Swagelok Certified Training

Check out our schedule of classes taught by certified Swagelok training instructors. Topics range from basic tube bending & tube selection to the more advanced orbital welding and analyzer system design, maintenance & troubleshooting.