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Swagelok Southern California

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Many customers have discovered that they can access Swagelok's most popular catalogs on our website. What not everyone has yet to discover is the convenience and accessibility of our Electronic Desktop Technical Reference, the eDTR.

With only a few clicks, you can access not only catalogs for product specification, but also technical bulletins, installation instructions, archives, videos, and more. By adding the eDTR to your desktop, it is always available, and it notifies users when updates are available. An Ipad version is also available. 

  • It's free!
  • All current product literature is included and updated when new information is published
  • Intuitive navigation, including fast keyword search functionality
  • Links to additional resources on – CAD files, videos, etc.
  • Simple installation on Windows-based computers.

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