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Swagelok Southern California

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Find out where issues within your fluid systems are jeopardizing system functionality, as well as how your system designs could be tweaked to benefit your business. After discussing where your concerns come from or your goals for improvement, your field engineer works with you to examine your systems for potential safety hazards, misapplication of components, excessive wear and damage.

If leaks are a concern, they test for leaks both visually and aided by an ultrasonic leak detector radar in order to estimate the rate of loss and calculate these losses. The radar is ideal when there are multiple end connections to test or when they are located in hard to reach places. 

Field engineers also assist in testing systems that operate under compression or vacuum. Our ultrasonic equipment is sensitive enough to detect leads from small diameters from a distance.

Upon completion of the survey, you will receive a detailed report including all connections tested and any issues found. In addition to the survey report, our staff is available for an in-depth review of your fluid system performance.

Contact Your Field Engineers