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Swagelok Southern California

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Process Analyzer Sampling System Training (PASS)

process analyzer sampling system training

Sampling systems are the key to making sure your process is operating properly. As a result, it is imperative that your sampling system is giving accurate results and problem-free itself. Swagelok's Process Analyzer Sampling System (PASS) Training is an intensive five-day course dedicated to providing you with working knowledge on how to optimize your sampling system.

Course Objectives

If you design, construct, operate or maintain sampling systems, you know how important quality data is. Our hands-on training will enable you to tell the difference between problems from within the sampling system or the analyzer. Students learn to diagnose and eliminate common sampling system design flaws that results in erroneous data by using engineering principles, formulas, and calculations rather than relying on guesswork. Swagelok training teaches you in days what could take years to learn on your own.

Here's what you will learn in five days:

  1. Read and create sampling system schematics
  2. Design and build a sampling system
  3. Diagnose sample transport problems
  4. Evaluate and determine sample tap location
  5. Calculate and evaluate sample transport lag (time delay) of liquids and gases
  6. Calculate pressure drop in a fast loop or return line
  7. Calculate gas and liquid flow rates
  8. Avoid or account for adsorption and permeation
  9. Predict vapor condensation
  10. Prevent or control phase preservation
  11. Vaporize a sample
  12. Avoid deadlegs in a sampling system
  13. Techniques of stream switching

Virtual Training Options

To sign up for an upcoming virtual Swagelok® Process Analyzer Sampling System (PASS) training course, please visit our events page.